Monday, December 27, 2010

what type of blood are u??

hello readers~~my entry for today is about blood~~do u know that the type of blood that we have can determine our characteristics~~~and guess what!!!  I've read this article and I want to share with all of u!!!!
Mine is O blood group~~and almost 80% of the characteristics shown in the article is similar with me~~~ahaksss let see~~~
the article is in malay version~~

jenis darah A

mereka yang tergolong dari kategori ini boleh jadi ibu atau bapa dan pasangan yang baik. Hal ini kerana kamu boleh membuat keputusan dengan bijak dan menangani banyak perkara, dari urusan di rumah hingga mendidik anak dengan baik. Kamu tegas dalam urusan kerja dan tidak suka membuang masa. Selain menepati masa, kamu tidak suka orang yang mengambil sikap sambil lewa. Namun, kamu sering mengabaikan kesihatan dan selalu sakit. Segeralah berubah untuk lebih mencintai tubuh kamu. Jangan takut untuk melakukan perubahan kerana ia untuk masa depan kamu juga.Kamu juga seorang yang degil dan akibatnya kamu tidak suka mendengar pendapat orang lain. Apa yang kamu tahu hanyalah diri kamu sahaja. Selain daripada seorang yang mementingkan kesihatan, kamu seorang yang adil dan tidak suka berpihak pada sesiapa. Kamu boleh menjadi orang tengah yang baik.

jenis darah B

Kamu dahagakan penghargaan. Bagi kamu, orang perlu tahu apa yang kamu lakukan. seorang yang suka mencari perhatian, kamu kadang kala kelihatan terdesak namun masih boleh dikawal. Kamu seorang yang trendy dan suka bersosial. Individu ini tidak gemar tinggal di rumah sepanjang hari. Kamu juga seorang yang happy go lucky dan suka berkawan. Kamu juga seorang yang terkenal dan menjadi perhatian dalam kalangan teman-teman. Kamu kerap menghabiskan masa bersama teman2 dan bijak membawa diri. Kadangkala, kamu agak ego namun kerana kamu sangat mempesona, teman tidak sampai hati untuk memarahi kamu. Satu perkara lagi kamu adalah individu yang boros!!. Nafsu berbelanja kamu sangat melampau. Boleh jadi kerana berbelanja, kamu tiada simpanan untuk masa depan langsung. Cuba kawal perbelanjaan kamu dan kawal sedikit sikap peramah kamu itu. Mungkin ada orang lain yang tidak senang dengan dikap ringan mulut kamu itu.

jenis darah AB

Kamu seorang yang cerdas. Kamu bijak membuat keputusan dan seorang yang relevan. Masalah kewangan kamu hadapi secara rasional. Waktu yang ada kamu gunakan untuk meningkatkan mutu diri sendiri dan melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti baharu. Pada kamu masa itu emas dan tidak wajar disia-siakan. Kamu seorang yang menghargai diri dan berusaha untuk menjadi sempurna dari segala segi. Sifat cool adalah milik kamu. Jarang sekali untuk melihat kamu panas baran. Kamu lebih suka berdiam diri dan memendam rasa jika ada apa-apa yang berlaku.. Dari segi percintaan, ramai yang meminati kamu tetapi takut untuk mendekati kamu. Kamu ada masalah badan berbau? Oh, cepat -cepat atasinya . Jangan sangka kamu terlalu berani kerana kamu seorang yang penakut sebenarnya. Jangan terkejut kerana kamu seorang yang kuat cemburu! Aduh, kesian pada pasangan kamu kerana perlu memberitahu segala pergerakannya terlebih dahulu pada kamu. Sikap sayang yang terlalu menebal pada pasangan sangat dipuji tetapi kurangkan cemburu itu sikit ya!

jenis darah O (my blood type :)  haha)

Kamu bijak mengatur kewangan dan berjimat cermat tetapi kadang kala kamu terlalu pemurah. Jangan sampai ada yang mengambil kesempatan terhadap kebaikan kamu itu. Kamu seorang yang tidak kisah dengan keadaan sekeliling. Pendek kata, kamu seorang yang tak up to date. Begitu juga dengan penampilan kamu. Kamu kurang gemar untuk bergaya. Tidak mahu mengikut arus semasa, kamu agak konservatif. Pemikiran kamu juga agak kolot dan kamu bukan seorang yang terbuka. Namun, kamu seorang yang cergas berfikir. Ada sahaja idea bernas yang lahir daripada fikiran kamu. Dari sudut cinta, kamu seorang yang cukup menawan. Ramai yang tertarik dengan kamu kerana daya penarik diri kamu, Kamu juga seorang yang panas baran dan pantang dicabar. Bukanlah seorang yang penakut, kamu terkenal dengan sikap berani. Nampak sahaja lembut kan. Hah, jangan main-main dengan kamu ya!.OOpps, kamu juga nampak sombong kadang kala, biasakan diri dengan senyuman kerana kamu pasti kelihatan ceria dengannya.

the article is taken from  REMAJA magazine, 15 DEC 2010...

so what is your blood type ??hehe :P

what do u think??? :)

thx for reading ya :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Companies Commission of Malaysia~~

hello guys~~~today is 24th december 2010~~only one week left for me before I went back to UPM~~huhu~~but nvm~~we should have a new spirit right???hehe :P

ok today I am going to tell u about my experience yesterday~~
I followed my mom to attend one program that is being organised by Ministry of Women Development~~:)
the program started at 9 am in the morning and ended at about 12.30 pm~~

I get a lot of info by attending that program~~it was a program for women especially  who is going to start a business in sewing or food field~~they give exposure on how to start a business and they have to register with Companies Commission  of Malaysia~~One info that attract me was the actual price for everything that being sold is actually divided by 3~~haha~~i juz knew it :) soooooo~~~if u wanted to buy clothes or anything in night market u should know how to bargain~~hikhik~ngee :)

I became a camera girl there and snapped a few of my mom and her friend pictures~~it was fun although I am the youngest there~~but its okey coz I really enjoy it~~hehe :P

picture from google image :)

the end for today~~~ngeee~~~:)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Batu Feringghi Beach, Pulau Pinang~~

hyeeeeee everyoneeeeee~~

today I am happy~~do u know why??coz I went to Batu Feringghi Beach with all my school mates and we enjoyed there~~

our activity~~

PICNIC~of course~~
playing snowballs (actually we form a ball with sand)haha~~
build a castle~~
and lots more~~

I eat a lot today~~we bring lots of different type of food~~
there are

nasi lemak
bihun goreng
soft drinks
maggi goreng

it was totally fun and FANTASTIC!!haha~~

and now~~I feel like wanna sleep coz to tired~~haha~~

pictures below  describe my activity for today~~

fadhee and acap~~

cute x kami sume??haha


me and ellina

me,ellina and fazlee

bermandi pantai

happy :)

basah kuyup

istana pasir yang kami bina


chit chat and makan22

group picnic~~

the end for today~~hehe

thx for reading guys ~~:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

English camp in Felda Trolak ~~~AWESOME!!!

Hello readers~~~I feel like I haven't update my blog for such a long time~~nvm then....this is for december post~~yahooooooooo~~~

I just came back from English Camp in Felda Trolak, Perak..this camp was under Yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman which of coz for Tunku Scholars~~the camp was held from 17-19 december this camp I meet with sporting  facilitators and seniors from other batch which some of them are already graduated and working~~the seniors was so cool, sporting and really creative in thinking~~they use english very well and this help me to improve my english~~heeeeee~~

the theme song for this camp was

THE CLIMB, myley cyrus

what I've learn from this song was :

building a natural bridge~~but what is natural bridge???~~

natural bridge is actually the bridge that we have to build within ourselves~`if we want to improve ourselves then we have to set a positive mindset to achieve success~ for example if we want to improve to use proper english in communication, we should learn and never give up and it takes an effort to succeed~~therefore we have to start climbing and build a natural bridge in ourselves~~~come on guys~~let us build the natural bridge together starting from now onwards~~~

that was the first thing that the facilitators told us in opening ceremony on the first day of camp~~
at night we have to prepare and wear the attire according to the themes which was fusion or confusion!!!

 this is what i wear~~~haha~~

i wore kebaya, white jeans, sport shoes and also a butterflies on my head~~haha the senior beside me named amir won the best dress for that night~~:)

~seniors and some of my friend from the same batch~

ieda and me~~we are the upm students for fifth batch Tunku scholars this year :)

seniors and friends from different universities

Juz found out the senior from upm when joining the camp :)

with senior from 4th batch,ieka~`she was also my roommate in Felda Trolak and she won the best dress that night~~ahakss~~really enjoy the camp~~:))

Second day:

we played treasure hunt, watch videos, play irish scrabble, and some discussions in groups, debate~~we really enjoy it..explores the mindset in learning english~~this was the objective of the camp~~

the pictures below describes all my activities~~

treasure hunt~~

treasure hunt~asking for clues

need to accomplish the task before we get a clue

colourful mirror which we need to find for treasure hunt~~when we stand in front of it, the mirror will reflect the colour of us and we are seen and become united ~~hehe~~like rainbow :)

with one of the facilitator, Daniel..he was doing his master in physics in UPM, future scientist~~hehe..i juz knew it in the camp :)

one of us need to cross the bridge to get a clue

irish scrabble :) explore more words in english~~


Mr Douglas, our facilitator was helping us in scrabble


preparing for the choir for christmas performance for GALA night~


there comes a peak of an event~~Gala Night event with HEADHUNTER themes~~
I wore an attire like red Indian hunter~~haha~~let see the picture~~:)

with my roommate~~we are red indian~~haha

ieda, she wore a cowboy attire..

me and amir faris, senior from upm too~~

friends forever :)

with Pn Fatimah

many attire~~and we also had a vampire~~haha

with seniors from different batch~~

with vasantha~

my attire~~haha...its weird~~:P

with Mr.Raj

facilitators are doing their performance

haha~~the end for second day~~

the third day~~

we played hokey-pokey, whose line is it?, then there are competition for irish scrabble...and there are closing ceremony~~

what we have to remember as tunku scholars was what Dr Tengku said to us~~Dr, Tengku is a CEO for yayasan Tunku Abdul Rahman and heis like a father to us :)

what he said was:

when ONCE u become a Tunku Scholars, it will be remained until u die~~:)

i feel grateful to be one of them~~we are like family :)

ohhh~~ I forgot to tell all of u, each of us get a christmas present~~yahoo~~the present was english novel~~like it !!!!!!!

That was the end of the camp and we are sent to KL CENTRAL to go home~~i went back home by train~~

Last but not least~~i describe the camp with only one word, AWESOME!!!

thx for someone that always support me all this while~he has a positive mindset~~hehe :)
and I would like to say thank u sooooo muchh to Fadzilah Ramli, she was the one who gives me idea what to wear for both themes~~I really appreciate u dear and thank for letting me to rest in your house before I went to Bangsar and went to the camp~~

thank u dear, u are creative~~luv ya <3
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