Friday, April 29, 2011


juz wanna say

"Tears are words the hard can't express"

and i really get dissapointed with a person whom i love so much~~

hope u are happy when I'm not with u anymore~~

till then

bye~~tq so much for doing this to me~~~

two times is enough for me to fall in love with anyone~~

to myself: be strong~~~=) focus~~only few days u will face the finals~~

Saturday, April 23, 2011

my 21st birthday~~~22 april 1990~~

Hope i can be a good girl~

a good muslims girl~~

a good daughter~~

a good sister~~

a good friend~~

a good girlfriend~~

thx for the wishes from all my friends~~

thx for all the surprises~~=)


although i didn't get any present except from my friend pija and fera~~nvm~~coz grown up didn't get any~~haha~~(pdahal dlm hati nak) kalo smbut kat umah msti mama bg hadiah yg best~~~huhu~~~mama i miss u so much~~~~=( hope to be with u on my birthday~~~

Monday, April 18, 2011


assalamualaikum, hye guys~~

do u have trouble in thinking what to eat for today???

haha~~~if u do have problem

I would like to suggest u a  best place to eat~~ahaksss :P 

IKEA~~???????? don't be surprised coz in IKEA, their speciality is meatballs~~u  should try it~~:P 

it is soooooooooo yummy~~

my menu for that day was chicken wing + meatballs+ DaIm Cake ~~tasty~~

try it, then u'll know ~~=)

again, thx to fera, farah and ila :)

and thanx bring me to One Utama and Ikea in a day~~happy =)


Daim cake + chicken wings

Saturday, April 16, 2011


bcoz of the imperfection, I fall in love with u ~~=)

Every time I read out old conversations, I realize how close we used to be =)

thx for the sweet memories =)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

cute ~~~hihihi =)

Perfect Two Music Lyrics Video

You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth and I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages

I miss u =)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


suddenly I miss our friendship~~~

Just because we're not close anymore doesn't mean I don't care about you.

although we are not in the same way now and even though u hate me or dislike me~~I always remember our memory together~~=)~~thx for your kindness~~It doesn't matter if u don't like me but as long as u r happy, I am happy~~always pray for your happiness~:)

Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen~~


Letters start with A,B,C, Numbers start with 1,2,3..Music starts with do,re,mi....Love start with u and me <3

I love u~~~

Elfera Idris

yesterday~~i was bored~~~~

thx dear coz u always there for me and really understand me~~=)

thx coz u bring me to a special restaurant~~The Garden,Mid VALLEY~~~I'm totally full when u bring me there~~~hehe~~it was sooooooooooooooo delicious~~yummyyyyyyyy~~~

then we went to cinema  and ooopsss b4 that we bought a bunch of Famous Amous cookies which is sooooooo yummy~~~hihihi~~(da lama x mkn) :P~~we watched Sucker Punch which really trigger our mind to figure what's going on~~~hehe~~it was fun~~

then~~I bought a small pocket dictionary for my own use~~~and fera~~ again~~she bought a new skirts~~hehe

you are what u eat from your head to your feet

~~thank u fera~~

to my si mata bulat,

hikhik~~sorry coz didn't bring u along coz we didn't plan to go there~and so sorry coz I didn't reply your message dear~~~hihi~~
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